
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week 8: Washer Week!

Aaaaand now we come to the first week where I've run out of vaguely clever titles.  : )  Washers are a really cheap base for a lot of jewelry projects, and I wanted to see if I could come up with some different ways of using them that I haven't tried before.  I had mixed results; I think I'm only going to end up using a few of the techniques again, but trying them all out was pretty fun.
Wire-wrapped.  I think I can do better, but not bad for a first attempt on the idea.
Twine wrapped for a more rustic look.  Didn't quite turn out the way I had hoped, and was painful enough on the fingers to avoid doing again in the future.
Ribbon wrapped!  I like the final outcome, and want to try again with some different ribbons.
Manga paper / ModPodge covered.  Cute, but not really something I'd wear on a regular basis.  May try again with origami paper for a more sophisticated look.
Painted with gesso then colored with colored pencils.  While it certainly looks different, I don't know that I'll be replicating this project.  I did like the embroidery thread necklace piece though, so I'm sure I'll be using that again.
You can't see the back, but this is a pin I swear.  Using the washer as a base I glued a metal filigree, cameo, and some rhinestones to the front, and bunched and glued lace to the back. 
My favorite: Wrapped with embroidery thread.  I will definitely be  doing this again sometime, in many different colors.
I have about seven more ideas for how to alter washers in my notebook, so expect a return to washer week sometime in the near future.  : )

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