
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Facebook Giveaway

Who has two thumbs and wants some free jewelry from Mazikeen Studios? If it's you, here's what to do!

1. Be one of the first five people to post a link to our FB site or Etsy shop to your wall.

2. Encourage people to like us, to really like us! (We're needy like that.)

3. Visit our giveaway photo album and leave a comment along the lines of "MINE SUCKERS" or "Taken" on the item you want. (Obviously, if someone already got to it, you can't have it.)

4. Message me your shipping details and I'll get that bad boy in the mail for you early next week!

Oh, and if you were a little late to the game and didn't win, you can still pimp our Etsy store and FB page on your wall. In fact, if you do we'll give you a code for 20% off anything in our Etsy store. Sound good?

Contest will stay open until all five winners are declared.  : )  Offer of the bonus code for link trade is good through 12/31/2012.  : )

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