I admit it, I've been a very very bad blogger. It turns out I'm great at consistently making things, but not so much at posting them. In fact, although this post is marked for the week of 12/9, and the items were created the week of 12/9, I'm actually posting this the week of 3/18. It turns out a project, project blog, health problems, job, and new etsy store was a bit more to bite off than I could chew. But I'm getting caught up, and we're almost at the end of the 52 weeks project!
This week I decided that I was going to start using the stockpile of images I've hoarded over the past few years. Old bits of comic books, magazine pictures, and neat stuff I've printed from the internet takes up a full drawer in my craft room. So I went ahead and picked my seven favorites and worked them into these nifty items:
I have this old beat up copy of 'The Kindly Ones' that has survived a house fire, a basement flood, and four moves to three different states. Occasionally I'll take a picture out of it and make something suitably nerdy; this is my Morpheus cocktail ring. : ) Disapproving Dream Lord Disapproves. |
This fun guy was born of my getting sick of losing my keys in my purse. I downsized my key-chain a few years ago, and now I can never find the damn things when I need them. The bezel was a Michael's clearance special that I pried the sticker out of. Add some Bela (Lugosi, that is) and some red glitter and boom! You've got the only vampire sparkles I'll ever need. |
My fascination with Tarot goes way, way back. While I don't use it for readings, I have a serious love of the art style in the Rider Waite deck. In particular, I've always been fond of The High Priestess; I think it's the crescent moon at her feet that really seals the deal for me. The pendant base is made out of polymer clay, I use ModPodge to attach the image and sealed it with Dimensional Magic. |
Yet more proof that I'm a horror nerd. I don't know that I've ever seen someone more beautiful or regal than Elsa Lanchaster in her classic "Bride" pose. The bezel is actually filigree pendant from Michael's that had a hollow back; I sealed it with a piece of scrapbook paper and liberal use of Liquid Urethane glue. A little Dimensional Magic, the picture and some rhinestones and you've got |
Yet another ode to the awesomeness of Dimensional Magic. The picture is a neat find from somewhere long forgotten on the interwebs. But isn't she grand!? My only complaint about this piece is that I should have done two layers of DM for curing; I tried to do it in one and it came out slightly opaque around the edges. |
And to prove that Modpodge doesn't get all the fun, here's a pendant I made of Neil Gaiman's Destiny using Glossy Accents. Woohoo! The pendant is another Michael's find that I pried the original picture off of. It was this funky bronze color that I wasn't super fond of, so I painted over it and then roughed it up a little bit to give it an old, battered look. |
And last but not least, my Queen of Hearts earrings! A scrapbooking punch and these earring bezels from the Industrial Chic line, an old playing card, plus some Crackle Accents = awesomeness. It was pure serendipity that the punch and the bezels were the same size, but now that I know they are I see a lot of these types of earrings in my future. |
This didn't even begin to make a dent in my ephemera stash, so I'm sure I'll be trotting out some more picture based pieces soon. Thanks for reading!